
DISCRETIZATION ERROR ESTIMATION IN SUBSONIC, TRANSONIC AND SUPERSONIC FLOWS OF AN INVISCID FLUID OVER A BUMP Authors Eça, L., Silva, C., Muralha, J., Klaij, C., Toxopeus, S., Hoekstra, M. Conference/Journal V&V Verification and Validation Symposium (V&V 2021) Date May 19, 2021 This paper presents a solution verification exercise for the simulation of subsonic, transonic and


ON THE CONTRIBUTION OF ROUGHNESS EFFECTS TO THE SCALING OF SHIP RESISTANCE AuthorsEça, L., Starke, A.R., Kerkvliet, K., Raven, H.C. Conference/JournalConference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering (Marine 2021) DateJun 2, 2021 Roughness effects are one of the main challenges of the prediction of ship resistance using traditional model tests and extrapolation procedures. Computational Fluid