Joint Venture
November 2008, the Shanghai Ship and Shipping Research Institute (SSSRI) and Maritime Research Institute Netherlands (MARIN) signed a Memorandum of Understanding on establishing a joint venture in Shanghai, China. To serve Asian shipbuilding industries in a cooperative way under a joint brand name SSSRI/MARIN.
The Joint Venture followed years of successful cooperation both on technical progress and market approach. Many common projects and the introduction of CFD and testing technology preceded this important step. The joint venture aims at bringing the high quality and experience of both organizations together, providing a good service for a competitive price to the Asian market. On the basis of clients’ requirements and capabilities, either the facilities of SSSRI or MARIN will be used in combination with SSSRI-MARIN expertise.
Brand name
The joint venture is denominated SSSRI-MARIN as a common brand name, which reflects more than 80 years of hydrodynamic research and industry services of MARIN in the world and the excellent services provided by SSSRI to the shipbuilding industries in the Far East.
Sharing expertise
We see expertise as the core competency of the joint venture. In order to always stay in the technical frontier, the personnel in the joint venture followed and will continue to follow regular training programs. In the last few years, MARIN has trained SSSRI employees on hull lines optimisation, including the use of the RAPID program and the PARNASSOS viscous code.
Simultaneously, MARIN will send scientists and experts to the Joint Venture in Shanghai, permanently and frequently, to meet you as our customers, to share ideas with you for your project, to supervise model tests, to provide consultancy and for trouble shooting.